domingo, 6 de março de 2011

The Undead King

The blade drove through his flesh, bone and soul
And the king, betrayed by the position of his heart
Fell into Death's arms willingly to trade
His immortality for life already teared apart

Tricked by the Reaper's cunning and malice
The pact was sealed with a dark ritual,
Words taken by his feelings
Allowed by revenge for those to fall

Next to his grave, the king has been reborn
With pale skin and dark iron orbits
His soul ripped of life like a stone
Flying to the palace to kill'em all

The blade bearer, his hated son
Sat at the table surrounded by lust

Will fall for what he has done
By his father that returns from dust

Now the night long past and gone
The Undead King remains in his throne

Laughing for his son, the bloody traitor
Hanging with his family outside the wall

Now... the dead shall rise
Because the world was full of the living
In this unholy land filled with demise
The Undead King will watch the world sinking

by Medivh

Nothing to point, just a dark history, with little but strong morality. It's the first exclusive poem made for this blog and that's a good thing. Enjoy and give constructive critics (good or bad).


3 comentários:

  1. Alô :)
    Gostei bastante desde poema. Não é propriamente o meu estilo, mas a história em si é bastante intrigante, devo confessar. Mas quando o leio consigo perfeitamente criar uma imagem mental das diferentes cenas. E isso é bom :)


  2. Gostei ==)
    Alias gostei tanto que adoraria ver isto numa versao mesmo historia, nao so poema? (so uma sugestao ;) )
    E para a proxima spama m quando fizeres um novo blog xD

  3. Eu acho a 1º estrofe uma das melhores que alguma vez escrevi, tem ritmo, corre cmo a àgua mas depois o resto parece-me forçado... Mas sim em termos de historia ta giro xD
